Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

The goal of Changes for Hope is to provide an ongoing support for at risk children in a professional,
safe and consistent environment. There are many facets to take into consideration to achieve this outcome.

Changes for Hope has established an operational infrastructure which provides the base for its operations. This includes having an administrative director, program director, team lead and frontline staff. Processes have been established to ensure that best practices are followed. These include areas such as:

  • Hiring of staff and checking references
  • Confirming all certifications of staff upon hire
  • Tracking certification expirations
  • Training and direction in decision making processes
  • Ensuring ethnic diversity within the staff
  • Providing transportation resources
  • Ensuring staff and management have ongoing training
  • Following government guidelines with payroll processing
  • Having an outside accounting firm provide annual review financial statements
  • Communication with all stakeholders including the schools, the communities & organizations with the communities from which the children come from and the children’s’ families involved

Placement of youth within the facility is on a first come, first served basis.

Changes for Hope works directly with the community to provide a solid environment. Our staff is in communication with the school officials when getting the child enrolled and continually as the educational needs progress. Recreational activities can occur at local recreation centers, movie theatres, bowling alleys and similar venues, which are coordinated by our staff. If the child needs a doctor or is required to attend a court appointment, our staff is available to take the child to said appointments and help them to advocate for what is needed in their best interests.

Changes for Hope youth typically come to us after their Caseworker deems it necessary for either a new intake placement or a change in residence. As such, we work together with their Caseworker to provide continuity of care involving physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, educationally and to meet the commitment required within the legal community (court dates, etc). There is constant communication between the agency and caseworks to ensure this is accomplished. If there are problems such as the child going missing or AWOL, all appropriate people, including crisis and caseworker are contacted.

Changes for Hope has established processes for the day-to-day functions within the group home. There is documentation and tracking of written requests to accommodate special needs, consequences in regard to the children, interactions with the schools and legal environment, staff involvement and interactions with all relevant stakeholders.

Communication both internally within our organization and externally with our extended community is of high priority. During the shift transitions, the outgoing front line staff communicates with the incoming staff to ensure there is knowledge continuity. The front-line staff documents the activities and issues that occurred. This is completed in the log book, contact notes written as well as communication books available to all staff. Front line staff is also required to contact Changes For Hope 24/7 on-call to communicate any major issues or critical incidents that have occurred.

The administrative director and the program director also have access to these same tools. These departments deal with the scheduling of staff, processing of payroll and new hires, releasing the weekly budget to each home, tracking of statistics and information. Appropriate software that is relevant to each position is provided. Appropriate storage options exist for both the paper storage of information and the electronic storage of information.

The data collected as a by-product of operating a group home is analyzed by the leadership team to identify trends and patterns. It is through this analysis that areas for improvement are identified and can be addressed.

The financial data collected is also reviewed. The monthly financial statements are completed after each month end and reviewed by the Owner to determine if finances are within the operating budget limits.

The technology needs within our group home are in place to aid both the staff and children. There is Wi-Fi for internet access and appropriate computers and printers. As needs dictate, further enhancements will be made. Our priorities are the total care of the children.
This includes:

  • Competent and adequate staffing
  • Communication with the school, the originating community, the family and the legal system
  • Yearly medical, optical and dental
  • Stable financial environment to provide the necessary staff and supports such as nutritional food
  • Provide a safe environment in which the youth and personnel feel safe
  • Have our staff and youth work together to identify behavioral issues and develop a plan for improvement
  • Following government guidelines with payroll processing
  • Have all youth assessments available to staff to review to ensure staff have all information and resources required

Overall goals:

  • Reference checks completed on all employees prior to hiring
  • Confirmation of certifications on all employees prior to hiring
  • Certification lapses of all employees to be booked in within one week of start date
  • Tracking all employee certification expiries and performance review dates
  • Reviewing staff files regularly with staff, at staff meeting or during supervisory meetings, to ensure that all staff is aware of when their certifications expire and anything else that is required of them.
  • Address and document any issues, accommodations or incidents so that these items can be analyzed annually to identify trends or areas of concerns
  • Re-evaluate changes such as technology advancements, social media advancement and outside influences to annually document adjustments that need to be made
By having a well-rounded strategic plan, Changes for Hope is striving for an environment that will enable us to provide the services required, while working together with all stakeholders.
  • Interested? Download our Intake Form here