Cultural Component

Cultural Component

The idea of “Knowing where you come from, and who you are, and how you want to be” is
a good starting point for the youth that come to our program.

Using a holistic approach Changes For Hope focuses on the Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual aspects of each youth in our care, understanding that each is at a different place on their journey. We strive to ensure 1/3 of our staff has an indigenous background and Changes For Hope is committed to recruiting and training staff in diverse cultural teachings. All Caregivers are required to support the cultural components into the service planning goals as much as possible.

We provide in home monthly event calendars and encourage our youth to attend community events. We seek guidance from Elders for them from their own community and encourage involvement in cultural exploration.

The agency promotes children being reunited with their biological family if possible. We are committed to providing quality care and try to ensure that the Childs culture is not lost while they are in care.